Why Play Pickleball?

Pickleball is easy to learn! Great friendships! Plenty of exercise!

As a lifelong coach, teacher, and P.E. instructor, I have instructed students in a wide array of sports. Pickleball is by far the most “user-friendly” sport to learn. I’ve had many students on their first day of pickleball instruction preface the class by saying, “I am not athletic or coordinated but I want to learn to play pickleball”. I assure them that pickleball is the easiest sport to learn. If you can place the paddle on the ball, not only will you be successful immediately, but your self-appraisal of not being athletic or coordinated will soon be a distant memory. In addition to being “user-friendly”, pickleball provides each player/person with an incredible opportunity to be a part of a large family of very special people. Although pickleball players represent the broad spectrum of professional and vocational careers, they all share a deep interest in physical fitness and lifelong learning. Many of the people you play pickleball with will be added to your “really good friends’ list”.

Pickleball has been described as a “non-impact” sport on the body. It does not require the same muscular and body stress from a kinesthesiology standpoint as does tennis, racquetball, basketball, football, etc. Even though pickleball is “non-impactful” on your body, they have shown that you and your partner playing an hour of doubles’ pickleball will get more exercise than if you played an hour of singles in tennis. Every time you move your own mass you are burning up the most calories you can. The pickleball court is much smaller than a tennis court. You will hit 2-3+ more pickleballs to every one tennis shot and each time you are moving your body mass. I’ve had several skeptical former college tennis players come to me after an hour, drenched and saying, “I see what you mean coach!” The people you see on a pickleball court wearing knee braces, wrist supports and back braces are coming to pickleball because of these physical issues. They quickly realize they can make a full and safe commitment to enjoying pickleball.


[pik-uh l-bawl-uh-jee]

Coach “Phil” has finally responded to all the students and players who have told him he should write a book and create a website on pickleball instruction and play.

His experiences in professional baseball, USTA Tournament level tennis, Table Tennis tournament play,  and USAPA National Tournament Play (Four National Championships in Men’s and Mixed Doubles) have provided him with invaluable insights into higher skill-level playing and coaching.

37 years in public school teaching, coaching, and administration have provided him with innumerable opportunities to motivate others in setting and reaching higher goals.

His philosophy that all skills can be broken down into incremental, but connected steps, coupled with an instructive paradigm of targeted instructional strategies, has helped thousands of players of all levels to elevate their game. Referrals from family members and friends have brought students to him from around the country.

When people tell him he’s earned a Doctorate in Pickleball Instruction and Coaching, he just smiles and keeps teaching. You’ll find him at the Tustin (CA) Pickleball Courts. Lessons are free and students are simply asked to “pay it forward.”